Libra Man And Aries Woman


Are the Libra man and Aries woman made for each other? Know about the love compatibility of Libra man and Aries woman.

Libra Man - Aries Woman Love Compatibility

Bring a Libra man and an Aries woman together and expect a little roughness in this relationship. A Libra man is ruled by Venus, the planet of love which explains a lot about his romantic nature and his non stop flirting. You will be charmed almost instantly when you meet a Libra man because that is the kind of charisma they carry with themselves at all times. Whether you are in a bar, a classroom, at work or even at a charity event, a Libra man will say the right things to grab your attention.

A smooth talker of a calm demeanor, a Libra man will seem like he is floating on air instead of walking on the ground. He will do everything seamlessly, without putting in glitches and this will make him an efficient worker. However, his indecisiveness will pay against him and no matter how efficient he is, he will end up being a little sloppy. The end result will still be 'passable' but come to expect more out of a Libra man and it will take some time before your desires are fulfilled.

This however, is completely the opposite for an Aries woman. She is smart, articulate, methodical and a loud mouth. Though she will say what she wants to, when she wants to, she will get away with it sorely because she will compensate for her flaws in an irresistible manner. An Aries woman is fiercely competitive, as is the Libra man, which may be a sore area with these individuals but if they learn to set aside this spirit, they will successfully grow together as a team. The Libra man and an Aries woman will be a great pair to be with at parties and social gatherings because each of them will have a great anecdote to share at all times.

Just as much as their passion excels outside the house, their love for each other simmers inside their bedrooms as well. A Libra man is passionate and giving while an Aries woman is dominant and receptive. She will happily oblige her man as he wishes but this fiery chemistry will not last long in their relationship. The two individuals may always have some irritability with each other, later in their relationship, which may not be as conducive to love making as it was, in the initial stages of their lives.

Though competition will eat into their relationship on a daily basis, the Libra man along with his Aries woman will survive better if they learn to hide their differences and their competitive nature for occasions specially reserved for it. Thus, willingly the two individuals will survive only if they work together for their harmony. Or the relationship will crumble almost as soon as it built up.


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