Sagittarius Man And Libra Woman


Are the Sagittarius man and Libra woman made for each other? Know about the love compatibility of Sagittarius man and Libra woman.

Sagittarius Man - Libra Woman Love Compatibility

The two individuals in a Sagittarius and Libra sun sign combination are happy-go-lucky people who take life seriously very rarely. Yes, they do shoulder responsibilities like they should and take care of duties that are bestowed on them but when it comes to accepting the ugly side of life, they would rather look elsewhere. A habit that is usually hard to find in others, this quality is perhaps what differentiates them from other members of the zodiac calendar. The Libra woman and the Sagittarius man are both strong, independent individuals who are not afraid to take the bull by its horns.

Put a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman together in a room and chances are that they will not notice their surroundings. They will both communicate deeply with each other and will like the fact that they are alone without the world pounding on them. The Sagittarius man will welcome the quiet while the Libra woman will use it to assess her partner while he tries to get flirty with her. A Sagittarius man can't help but fire up the flirt-o-meter because that comes in-built in his psyche and lights up every time he sees a charming woman.

Constant attention is what the Libra woman dislikes because it comes to her at the cost of a few misdoings, even if they aren't her fault. However, the Sagittarius man seeks the limelight and makes way for the world to come notice him. With a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman both coming to the spot of attention, this relationship can sometimes seem like a battle for the two divas. But the good news is that the Libra woman will be kind enough to let her Sagittarius man hog all the limelight while she waits for him in the back.

Though this relationship will be sparky and fresh, there will be elements of disharmony in there that will agitate the lives of the people involved. They will question their decisions of staying together and will try and get out of the relationship when they can. However, the bond between them is strong and the couple will be able to overcome minor roadblocks quite easily. Their journey to 'couple-dom' will be fairly easy and while they won't have to work hard to come together, they will have to put in some effort to stay together.

The Sagittarius man will be honest and brutal with his words but chances are that the Libra woman will not like this. She will want to be pampered because for her, a relationship needs to have romance in it. However, it may be hard to get the Sagittarius man to do all the love-y dove-y things for his mate because for him, romance ends at a few good words and sex. He is pretty straight forward in life and will remain so despite efforts to change him. He will stay loyal and committed to his partner but only when he feels she is worth it. However, the Libra woman will wear her heart on her sleeve and fall for the firt man who will say a few nice things to her.

Thus, even though there are a few opposites here, the relationship can stand its ground and be awesome for the couple if they make it so!


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